Retailers struggling?
Community disengaged?
No money for a makeover?

with this 4 day event...
On a shoestring budget
Global tour in 2025
The 4 Day BOOST YOUR TOWN Program:
Placemaking on a Shoestring Budget
3 hour workshop for Council staff, which includes a walk through your town centre, or a space you want to see revitalised, to see what can be achieved on a shoestring budget.
How to Boost Your Town
2 hour evening information session for businesses and the general public.
How to Boost Your Till
2.5 hour workshop with business owners in which they
learn the 9 simple hack for boosting their till;
audit their business;
and develop a Till Booster Plan.
We leave you with an entire coaching program that will help businesses attract more visitors and turn them into raving fans.
How to Think Outside the Box
1.5 hour workshop for Council staff on how to use a simple canvass to generate at least 10 potential solutions for any problem.
4 Hour Makeover
Council staff, residents and retailers apply what they have learned by making over one small space in their town centre. Creative Communities provides some furnishings as a kick-starter.
Neighbourhood Booster Footpath Parties
Test drive our new program, Neighbourhood Boosters, which strengthens the sense of community block-by-block. Creative Communities will host your first two footpath parties.
Register your interest in hosting this event in 2025

Learn how to make people fall in love with your town... and become raving fans
Our gifts for you...

Two of the resources you will receive
To help you achieve lift-off, we come bearing gifts. which include:
A makeover starter kit – some furnishings to kick-start the revitalisation of your town centre.
Twenty-five copies of ‘Your New Wings’, to be given for free to the fist 25 people who attend the public meeting. This book helps people think creatively.
Resources for businesses – a free copy of ‘Nine Hacks Guaranteed to Boost Your Till’ and free access to online training (part of the Town Boosters program).
Two party kits that will help two neighbourhoods test our new program, Neighbourhood Boosters.
Implementation manuals for both Town Boosters and Neighbourhood Boosters so you can continue using these two programs after David leaves.
License to continue using Town Boosters and Neighbourhood Boosters after we leave.
Two hours of mentoring each month for the next six months to help you roll the programs out.
Cost $9,900 (+GST)
AU $9,900 Australia & NZ US$9,900 Rest of the world
Facilitation of all workshops, training and events.
All travel, and accommodation.
All the gifts listed above.
Pre-planning including set up of Permission Statements
Note: The package does not include refreshments, catering or venue hire. These are your responsibility.
It is also a requirement that your LGA has in place a Permissions Statement (an essential part of the Town Boosters and Neighbourhood Boosters programs) four weeks prior to the event. We will walk you through this process step-by-step.
Register your interest in hosting this event in your town