Our mission:
To unleash the potential of people and places
Creative Communities International (CCI) was established in 2002 by David Engwicht and Dr Ingrid Burkett as an incubator for social innovations.
In 2011 Jodi Stojanov, a highly regarded sociologist, joined the team.
CCI has invented whole new approaches to:
revitalising town centres
agile placemaking
community engagement
creative thinking
traffic management
urban planning

Jodi is a highly regarded Sociologist with nineteen years experience working in both the government and community sector. She has won a number of awards for her work setting up innovative pilot projects. Jodi brings to Creative Communities a passion for making the world a better place and has constantly added her own magic to our programs and services.

David has over 35 years experience in place making. He is a passionate designer, artist, author, communicator, and social inventor, best known as the creator of the Walking School Bus and the 7 Day Makeover.
Nothing gives David greater joy than working with communities to breathe new life into dead spaces.
Read the full story as told by Project for Public Spaces.​